Theme 2
Enhance the student experience
Monmouth University is committed to developing global citizens, who actively engage in their community, and are prepared for a well-lived life post-commencement. To meet this goal, Monmouth must provide a modern way for students to actively engage in the Monmouth community and build meaningful relationships for personal and professional growth.
Develop a more robust experience for all undergraduate students, with a goal to increase the first-year retention rate to 83% and six-year graduation rate to 75% within five years.
- Assess and enhance the undergraduate residential experience, including the implementation of a residency requirement for first-years, sophomores, and potentially juniors over time, who do not live in the home of their family.
- Strengthen orientation programs and unified class year experiences (including a newly developed First Year experience) throughout each undergraduate year to guarantee that all students are prepared for, and taking full advantage, of the Monmouth experience.
- Add impactful co-curricular activities that support strategic enrollment needs as well an enhanced student co-curricular experience (e.g., marching band, crew, etc.).
- Implement a co-curricular transcript or portfolio system and make it available to all Monmouth students to accurately capture their total student experience and provide further evidence of competencies developed including working on a team, leadership development, problem-solving, etc.
- Develop a sense of pride, tradition, and belonging on-campus by creating a set of unifying experiences for all Monmouth students.
- Partner with the City of Long Branch—and more specifically the West End area—to strengthen the visibility of Monmouth’s brand and to create synergistic relationships between local businesses and organizations for students, employees, parents, friends, and the community at-large (e.g., expanded opportunities, volunteer support, enhanced support for businesses, discounts, etc.).
Maintain our high placement rate (95%) and improve the career outcomes of our graduates, including enhancing the placements in prestigious graduate schools, earning post-baccalaureate scholarships, and launching new ventures.
- Develop a modern and expanded Career Development Center that helps to connect and prepare students for employment opportunities across a broad spectrum of industries while increasing the number of job placements in Fortune 500 companies and the Big Four accounting firms.
- Systematize support, advice, and counsel for undergraduate students to explore the availability of and preparation for prestigious post-baccalaureate scholarships (e.g., Truman, Rhodes), fellowships, and graduate/professional education throughout the undergraduate experience.